This can be a ring of fire that burns away unnecessary energies. But it also might reveal what is hiding in plain sight, what has been hidden. This is going to reveal more darkness. So tap into your own light. - Molly McCord, astrologer We're continuing our discussion of letting go, especially in light of the new moon and the ring-of-fire solar eclipse. But I want to warn you that in my video, and my section about the intuitive reading, I talk about childhood abuse, so if that might trigger you, this post might not be a good one for you. Love you, though! The Intuitive Reading I GotAs you know, I have been all in when it comes to letting go now, to be ready for next year. But I had no idea what that would mean until I listened to this intuitive reading on YouTube that was telling my story. Watch my video and you'll know what I mean. BUT I do talk about an experience of abuse, and how that is connected to the reading, so keep that in mind. Here is a combination of what I understood from the reading and how I am applying it to my life. I am being called to journey back to my childhood and retrieve the magic that got stuck there. I had intuitive gifts and experiences that did not hold up to the scrutiny of my academic parents. So I left it behind and stopped believing in it. But I need it now for this next wave of ascension that is coming. I also need to bring back the fullness of my joy in doing the things that lit me up, that made me lose track of time. Singing, writing, reading, teaching (my dolls) and Christmas. I also need to nurture and heal my crown, third eye and throat chakras. And I need to do all this by the end of the month and celebrate having done so during the end-of-the-month full moon eclipse. I am definitely going to set intentions today for all of this healing, and recreate my morning and evening routines to include them. What's interesting is that I have been writing about the need to let go of everything that's not a part of who we really are and embrace what is. This quest fits right in with that intention, too. This is a moment of deep fulfillment & caring for ourselves. It's about recharging & using our imagination to create loving new patterns, to feel safe in ourselves. - Sara Vrbo New Moon in Libra & Solar EclipseBoth of these first two eclipses are happening in two Venus-ruled signs. According to astrologer, Sarah Vrbo, that makes this season one of renewal. Maybe even coziness? But in addition to nurturing ourselves, she also mentions the ways in which we abandon ourselves and references how we twist ourselves into shapes that aren't who we are. And that goes back to the theme I have been talking about, of finding ways to let go of what we are not, so we can sink deep into who we really are, instead. Watch her video and be inspired... We are rewriting our own stories. And like Sara, I believe we deserve for them to have lots of cozy moments of renewal. So, how will you be spending your day today? Will you be offering up anything for healing? See you next time! Love, Jeanine
Next week, there will be a post about creating a slow living lifestyle. I don't know how any healer or lightworker can go through this letting go process, or any of the ascension healing process without adding more time for it. But for now, I just want to suggest that you schedule in time now, so you aren't waiting around for that extra time to show up. Crystals for Letting Go(1) Crystals - smoky quartz and danburite are my two favorite crystals for letting go. But you might also consider obsidian and aquamarine. Smoky Quartz - smoky quartz can help to dispel negative energy in your environment, but also helps you release sadness, negative thinking, painful feelings and memories from the past. It's a grounding stone, too, so it can also help you let go of stress. Danburite - this crystal can help facilitate a spiritual awakening, but also is good at helping you let go of painful feelings and negative energies. I used to hold onto it right before I went to sleep, to help release anything negative that happened that day. Obsidian - here are several important reasons to always have obsidian available... (1) If something or someone is draining your energy, or has done so, it draws that energy into itself. (2) It helps with cutting cords if what you are letting of is a person or relationship. (3) If someone has been abusive to you, this crystal will help you get that person out of your life. Aquamarine - this is a great crystal for shifting your negative thinking into more positive thoughts. But also, if there is something that you have been trying to overcome, and you know it's your feelings that are getting in the way, aquamarine is the crystal to use. Read the article linked in the quote below for more great ideas for crystals that can help you let go. And once you have the crystals in hand, you can hold them while you meditate, keep them near you or in your pocket, or place them on you for healing. Crystals ... can help break ties between you and others by severing the energetic cord that keeps you connected, and lessening the influence others have over your mental and emotional space. If you have undergone trauma, or suffer from anxiety, there are many crystals for release that can help you overcome challenging emotions related to past experiences. Guided Meditation(2) Meditation - begin your meditation time by giving yourself time to relax. Breathe deeply and slowly and be conscious of releasing tension as you do. It may help to stare at the candle flame for a few minutes to help you settle down. And then you can listen to a guided meditation for letting go, or just focusing on your breathing. Try this Meditation: |
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(4) Other Energy Healing Techniques - you may want to try or add other healing techniques like Reiki or sound healing, or others.
Identifying what you intend to let go of and understanding why you need to is like putting those issues in the trash. And energy healing techniques take out the trash - from your cells, from your brain, from your chakras, etc.
A Letting Go Example:
Healing on Aisle Ten
The other night, I was at Walmart with my roommates.
I had finished my own shopping, but hadn't been able to find them, so I went on out to the car, and they weren't there. Came back in & showed the watcher my receipt.
I called them 3x while wandering the aisles and they didn't answer. So I spotted Christmas items at the back of the store and decided to head there while I waited for them.
Well, I started to feel a little nervous and as I wondered why, it hit me. The situation was reminding me of Saturday morning shopping with my parents when I was a child. We'd go to the mall and head into Sears and I would wander all over the mall while they looked at boring appliances.
But they were never at the meeting place when they were supposed to be there. I'd get in line at Chick-fil-A to get a sample of their chicken and that distracted me for a while, but then I'd worry.
I remember one time I thought that if they had left me (on purpose, was my thinking), I would call our next-door neighbors and ask them to come get me.
Eventually, I stopped being scared that they were going to leave me and sad that they didn't want to see me again, as soon as I wanted to see them.
But right there at Walmart, those memories came back. And I felt so much love for that little girl that was me. I wanted to hug her.
I am so grateful I am able to heal those kinds of memories,
In the days since that happened, I have thought about those memories, and others, to consider the story they tell about who I think I am.
I thought about how the fear of abandonment is a thread that runs through my life, from spending the first month of my life in an incubator, to my father promising me I didn't have to go to nursery school and then sneaking off when I wasn't looking, to weekly shopping trips to the mall, and all those times I waited, along with the adult in charge, when one of my parents was hideously late to pick me up.
And that just takes us through elementary school. ;)
But when I step out of the story, as the observer, I know that who I was before the story is still who I am now. But I need to know what the stories are in order to see that clearly.
As a child, there is no context and no perspective. You haven't had enough experience yet for either one.
But as a lightworker, you need to look back at those stories as an observer, or you won't begin to comprehend who you really are. And we need all hands on deck.
We've already been healing our stories, and rewriting the story of who we are. But for me, the difference here is the understanding that I created the meaning for each of those moments.
And that meaning wasn't the truth. That's what we need to let go of now.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
Winter is normally a time when we move more slowly than usual, when we rest - or are encouraged to rest, and when we shed our old skin so that we can come back to life in the spring. But in the lightworker collective, that is not going to be the case this time.
We are being asked to do our letting go now, so that in January, we will be ready to act on whatever the universe has in store for us.
We are in the midst of another massive shift. The shedding, releasing and purging we tend to do in the depths of winter is being done early — and in a big way. - Kate Lightstone
Here's What We Can Expect
As we surrender to this shift, we can expect massive healing energy to transform us, and an opening up of possibilities for our dreams to come true like never before. The possibilities are endless. Limitless.
But there is a cost. And it’s this - letting go of everything we thought we knew. About ourselves.
This is similar to what Kyle Cease has been saying, that we are not who we think we are, and the self-referential statements we make are not the truth.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves
We say things like I have been saying during the past few weeks. “I’m never going to be able to give up ice cream.”
Or, “I’m not good at…” “I always find myself…”
The people who we are talking about are characters we are playing. Not the real self.
And we are being asked to let go of the self we created to survive, so that we can free the actual person hiding inside and go beyond survival to thriving.
When we do this letting go process, we’ll be making space for massive healing, in addition to clarifying energy, happiness, alignment with who we are and the manifestation of our dreams.
All that is required of us is the willingness to completely let go of our current and old stories, our current programming. - Kate Livingstone
It's about Rewriting the Story
of Who You Are
Imagine letting go today and waking up tomorrow without the old story. The limitations you have believed in all your life. The ones that hold you back. What would that day be like?
What if the path to who you are was suddenly wide open and you could write the words of the new story as you go?
Now, I know this sounds daunting! But we’re about to have a lot of help.
You can use the energy of the new moon and the lunar eclipse to envision the you-est you, without the false layers, without the ingrained beliefs that were never true.
And I’m not actually suggesting you can do it all in one day. Or even two. Take a whole week. ;)
Seriously, though, if you know you are here to serve, check in with your guides to see if this is what you are being called to do. Ask God or the universe & then surrender to any change you are asked to make.
Note that if you are being challenged in some way by life, already, letting go of what’s not you is probably the underlying reason why.
The Process of Letting Go
Tomorrow, I’ll be back with ideas for how you can begin or continue this process during these days leading up to the new moon.
Meanwhile, go unearth your journal. You may want to write things down.
And if you’d like to read the article or watch the video that inspired this post, click on those links.
You got this!
See you tomorrow.
Love, Jeanine
Scientists conducted a study in Vancouver designed to test some of the stereotypes that are most common about homeless people.
Don't give them money - they'll just spend it on temptation (alcohol or drugs). Give them food or clothes, instead.
The name of the study was The New Leaf Project. And scientists chose 50 people, who recently became homeless, and gave each one $7500. They then tracked their spending to see what each person chose.
Though the article summarizes the results, it also tells one person's story. The first thing Ray did was to open a bank account. Then he took a week to absorb the realization that his life had just been changed for the better.
How did the study participants do?
By spending their money wisely. They secured housing. They began to eat regular meals. They bought clothes suitable for job interviews and living with dignity. And they took courses that might make getting a job easier.
The conclusion of the study was that those stereotypes were wrong. I wonder if there are other stereotypes we believe about homeless people that are wrong.
Keep reading for other examples.
For 90 Days Last Year, I Was Homeless
During the summer of 2022, when our lease ended, my son went to live with his girlfriend, and after a week at a sketchy hotel, I went to live at The Salvation Army. I was there until just before Thanksgiving, when I was able to move into an apartment with friends.
How could that happen?
Neither of us could afford an apartment.
So I was homeless because I didn't have anywhere to live, but I am so grateful I was able to stay at the shelter without having to sleep outside. I had decided I was never going to close my eyes and cross my fingers on a park bench or in an alley, or wherever.
And I had dire plans for preventing it. In my opinion, there are quite a few experiences that are worse than death.
It took a couple of days to get a bed at the shelter, but I am SO GRATEFUL that eventually there was one.
Surviving Homelessness
Every time I thought about the fact that I didn't have a place to call home, I was stunned. I'm a homebody without a home, I kept thinking.
I could tell you funny stories about an older woman with arthritis climbing up to the top bunk, inching along the bed each day to make it up. Ask me how long it was before it occurred to me that I could move the bunk beds temporarily, so I could make it up while standing.
And y'all know I'm a night owl, right? Lights out was at 11pm and breakfast was at 8 in the morning.
Gotta say, though - that was the best I had eaten in months.
And I made friends there. I remember one of them saying that I was private and secretive. I still am, which is why over a year has gone by without my saying a word about this experience!
A saving grace - the TV in the day room had the Hallmark channel and Great American Family. I was actually able to watch Christmas movies while I was there.
But the other big saving grace was my faith. My life had been saved, which meant more time to get this whole life purpose thing right.
Plus, I had applied for disability and been turned down a couple of times (I have chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity), so I had requested to have a hearing about it. Something about being in the shelter sort of cinched my faith that I was going to get it.
I am not sure why, but it did. And I wanted to trust that all of my life would work out eventually.
On the one hand, I believed that I came here to help raise the consciousness of the earth and its people. And though this experience felt like quite a setback, I didn't get the impression that I was in any way excused from duty. :)
So my spirituality became very important to me. And even though I felt like I was in limbo, I began to believe that something was going to work out.
Life After the Shelter
I was right.
I found a great lawyer and did get disability, and when I left the shelter, I had somewhere to go.
This year has been challenging in some ways, but I see clearly how they were designed to help me grow, and I believe last year's adventure was too.
I believe that life happens for us, not to us, even when it gets really tough.
Writing this Post
My stomach has been hurting a little the whole time I have been writing this post. But I also feel kinda numb.
As I tried to remember that time, so I could write about it here, it seemed far away and a bit cloudy.
I think it is because I am trying to protect myself from telling the whole story. I have been back and forth about telling any of it, but I keep having intuitive messages about telling my story and being fully authentic. So I hope I don't delete this.
Here's what I have left out...
(1) I am an introvert who had been alone a lot for years, so I was terrified of meeting a bunch of new people at once.
(2) One of the friends I made there lied to and about me, and some of my other friends believed her, at first, so I ate meals alone for a while. That was very painful.
(3) I trusted someone else there and it kind of scrambled my faith for a bit. I sort of tried to adopt hers. And it took me a while to untangle that shift and to let go of the friendship.
I was partially inspired by that struggle when I decided to make trust my word of the year for 2023. And now, I feel very good about my faith, although I do ask my spirit team to fix my ego so I can raise my consciousness higher.
(5) When it was time for me to leave, I didn't want to go. I had gotten attached to the friends I made and was afraid we wouldn't see each other after that time.
I have been right about that, so far.
Sheesh, I do not like how I feel right now. I am writing this post in advance and am going to send Reiki into the next two weeks so I can make peace with it before it actually posts.
Over to you. Have you ever been homeless or known someone well who was?
Thanks for reading my story.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
I talk a lot about what we need to do for ourselves and others, as part of our purpose as lightworkers. I encourage us all to dedicate ourselves to healing the past, so it doesn't weigh us down and dim our light.
But I don't think I say enough about the power of being the real you. If the world you experience is a reflection of who you think you are, or limiting beliefs about what the world is like, then becoming the truth and living within it could change everything.
In this video, Kyle talks about how those of us who are waiting for the world to awaken are expecting a result that happens out there. But he says, the revolution (and by implication, the awakening) is happening inside of you, and that if you surrender to that, the outside world will change, too.
The new world is birthing literally through you. Watch what happens when you receive this space [around you, in silence or meditation], purge out what you're not...and listen. - Kyle Cease
Did you watch it? What did you think?
Imagine that the world mirrors you - when he said that, it really stood out to me, along with what he says about letting go of the false self. He talks about the false selves we create in order to get approval or be safe in childhood. And over time, we come to believe that these selves are who we really are, but they aren't.
He says that if we spend time in silence, allowing the space around us without turning to distractions, we will eventually let them go. And that letting go is where the power is, for seeing change in the world.
Right now we each have this ability to connect with a new frequency & purge a false frequency. [When that happens], silence, unconditional love, absolute next steps and surrender will replace it. - Kyle Cease
Love, Jeanine
The other day, my dear friend, Brenda Fluharty and I were each inspired to ask for guidance on what our next steps are. Watch the video for more info and see how we were both given the same answer.
Now, check out these beautiful poems Brenda wrote that are perfect complements to this post…
Your Light is Your Life Purpose
You are the Light that Helps Others Shine
What Makes You Happy
Is Your Purpose
For quite some time, I have been getting the message in readings, and in articles, that it’s important to do what makes you happy, what lights you up.
I got the impression that as lightworkers, that helps keep our vibration high and it's an important form of self-care. I even wrote about it here on the blog.
But it never occurred to me that it is our purpose. And our only one.
Apparently, as lightworkers and healers, we are always living our purpose. What I am coming to understand is that it's because we are always emanating healing, high frequencies and light codes.
I knew that was true. But here’s the part I didn’t know: what else we do is entirely up to us. Even if we do nothing else.
It's Because of the Great Awakening
I think it's because of the planned, ongoing shift in consciousness.
We’re at a point in humanity’s development now where the old paradigms are shifting to new ones. The idea that there is one life purpose that you must get clear on, that is uniquely designed for you may now be obsolete.
What is going to become more important, going forward, is that you stay connected to Spirit, free of negative influences, and that you dedicate yourself to being your highest frequency self.
In fact. holding a high frequency may be what you came here to do, without any other specifics.
I would like to add, though, that it also may be important that you live your life out loud, because I have been hearing that we will be leading each other by example.
But here's a your-mileage-may-vary disclaimer: we were asking for guidance specifically for ourselves, and I recommend doing that, too. Just in case God has something in mind for you, that is different from what she said to us.
Journal Prompts
Take a moment to ask yourself these questions...
(1) Is the way you create an income something that makes you happy?
(2) If not, is there a passion or hobby, or side hustle, that you could do during your time off that delights you?
(3) If you were completely at choice, and all your needs were taken care of, how would you spend your time?
Does this Resonate with You?
How do you feel about the possibility that being you, and being happy, is your ultimate purpose, even if you know you came here to help with the shift in consciousness?
We are all just feeling our way through everything that is happening right now, so I won't be surprised to continue to get new insights and to understand things in new ways.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
Slow living is intentionally slowing down to enjoy life. Slow living is making life your priority.
- Helena Woods
If you are hurrying to and fro, or always busy trying to get things done. you're not going to have time for raising your vibration, for walking the path to enlightenment.
Can a Fairytale Lifestyle Be Spiritual?
Absolutely! In this next video, almost all of the ways she talks about romanticizing your life are also ways to be more authentically yourself, and also ways to raise your vibration, and connect more to all that is. So these are also ways to grow spiritually and to expand your consciousness.
Did she inspire you? Think of a few ways that you could make your life more like a fairytale, and at the same time, nurture your ascension and expansion.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
Ponder this...
When was the last time you listened to it?
Tell me in the comments.
Remember that it’s okay to have a life outside of personal development, study, and helping people.
It’s really easy to burn out if that’s all you focus on. Refresh and recharge—and revel in it! Ironically, you’ve probably given more than one person this advice. - Fractal Enlightenment
Just so you know, I need to hear this message as much as you do. It's a reminder that frequently pops up for me, as well.
We know we're here to help humanity raise its frequency and consciousness. It's what drives us and makes us so dedicated to our own healing, so we can radiate a stronger light to others.
But we have been brainwashed by the hustle-grind mentality of our culture.
So even though I know better, I've too often put it on the back burner, myself, allowing exhaustion and burnout to creep in. It's a life lesson that keeps resurfacing.
So, let's take a look at why making rest and self-care a priority is an absolute necessity, not just for the sake of those we came here to help, but for our own sake as well. We have to acknowledge that our capacity to heal and offer our light to the world is profoundly tied to our own state of well-being.
Make Rest & Self-Care
Your #1 Priority
Making rest and self-care your number one priority must become a transformational commitment to yourself and your mission that you actually put into practice. Here are some ideas to get you started...
(1) Set Clear Boundaries
Begin by defining your sacred boundaries.
Your time and energy are precious resources. Just as you pour your heart into healing others, reserve that same level of devotion for your own well-being.
You're going to be unapologetic in safeguarding moments for rest and rejuvenation. And once you make this commitment, you'll start to notice just how much of your power, your time and your energy you have been giving away, without saving enough for yourself.
(2) Create Rituals
Rituals can be such a powerful way to anchor self-care into your daily life.
I love my daily spiritual practice, and as I alluded to yesterday's post, I want to inspire you to cultivate your own rituals that nourish your spirit. Whether it's a morning meditation, an evening walk in nature, or simply lighting a candle and taking a moment to breathe, these rituals will help you pause, nurture yourself and let go of any stress you are carrying.
(3) Prioritize Self-Care Activities
Make a list of self-care activities that feel good to you, prioritizing the ones that light you up the most.
One thing I love lately is those quiet moments of connection with my spirit team. But for you, it might be a soothing bath, reading a book that nourishes your mind, or practicing yoga.
But whatever you choose, the key is to make those activities non-negotiable.
And don't forget to include plenty of rest in your schedule.
Not just sleep, but moments where you pause during the day and do absolutely nothing. Watch the trees blow in the wind, if you must, but other than that, aim for stillness.
(4) Learn to Say 'No'
As healers and lightworkers, we naturally want to help everyone. But saying 'no' when necessary is an essential act of self-care.
It allows you to honor your own boundaries and conserve your energy for those who truly need it. It's a lesson I'm still learning, and it's liberating - or it will be once I've nailed it down.
(5) Embrace Self-Compassion
Last but not least, be gentle with yourself.
We might long for it, but perfection is impossible on this journey of growth and healing. Don't beat yourself up for the moments when you slip up or neglect self-care.
Instead, give yourself plenty of compassion and kindness, the way you would if it were someone else who needed it.
Final thoughts - self-care will amplify your ability to heal yourself and others. This message isn't just a reminder; it's a call to action, and it promises to make your journey even better.
Over to you. What comes to mind when you think of getting better at self-care?
I have added more time listening to music, and more nothing moments in between other activities, but I am still working on resting more.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
Are you a lightworker, healer, empath or starseed? If so, you probably know that you are here now for a reason. Part of your purpose is to be the light for others who are finding their way.
You know that quote about finding the helpers? Your light and your frequency will help those who need you, find you.
This does not mean you must resemble the Dalai Lama or Mother Teresa. No, to be a pillar of light in this ascension timeline is to be authentically you. To make decisions and live your life based on your genuine happiness and joy, free from trauma, manipulation, and conditioning.
-The Auric Space,
Being the Light
When I read that article last month, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about it here. Let's unpack the quote, and then if you feel inspired, click on the link to go read the rest of the article.
According to the quote and article, your most important purpose is to be the light, and that means...
(1) Being authentically you
(2) Live your life based on happiness & joy
(3) Dedicate yourself to healing & letting go of the impact of trauma, manipulation and conditioning.
This week, we'll take a look at each of these three ideas, but today, let's talk about being dedicated to healing.
Well, if there's one thing I know about lightworkers, etc., is that we are dedicated to our own healing! But if you don't have a daily spiritual practice that includes healing & clearing techniques, I recommend creating one and sticking to it.
We agreed to go first, so that we can help the others.
And it wasn't until I started having a daily spiritual morning routine that I began to feel like I was making progress when it comes to healing, ascension, and letting go of all that is not me.
Though I know intellectually, that I don't have to be Mother Teresa, and I'm sure you know that, too, you probably feel the same pressure to hurry up and heal more that I do.
But the truth is, what we need to do is slow down. And raise our frequency while doing things that light us up.
We do need to pay attention to areas in our life where we might be acting out of trauma, or being manipulated, or reacting to conditioning. And then we can clear that, set boundaries, and go back to joy.
The truth is, I am still working on that last part. I am aggressive about finding things to heal.
And when I think about being some kind of leader, for people who need one, there's an internal voice that snorts and tells me I have a lot of work to do.
But surprisingly, it's actually when we are being ourselves and loving our life that people will be most drawn to us, and they are likely to forgive us for not having it all together. Hard to believe sometimes, because there's still healing to do, but it's true.
So do what I say, not what I'm still trying not to do.
Devote time every day to healing, and spiritual growth, BUT ALSO devote plenty of time to the things you love, that make you happy, that light you up.
Love you guys!
Hey beloveds!
It's great to see you guys again!!
Once again, I am going to commit to participating in this challenge, but probably not every day.
What I Love about the UBC
First, I want to tell you abou my Jeanine collage up there. It's AI-generated using Canva.
You'll find that that is true of all of my blog graphics this month and they have been so much fun to create.
Did you guys enjoy the rest of your summer after our last UBC adventure? I did, but I was actually looking forward to fall, because fall means - you guessed it! - lots of orange. :)
Though that is true, I am also looking forward to this challenge.
I'm taking an astrology course this season, and my teacher told me she could tell from my birth chart that I not only like to share knowledge, but get feedback from those who are receiving it. I instantly thought of you guys and this challenge, because it's so true!
This month, I'll be writing content for empaths, healers and lightworkers who knows they have a new earth mission.
What will you be writing about this month?
See you tomorrow!
Love, Jeanine
I cannot believe how strong I felt and how strong I still feel.
Though I have watched a lot of Aaron Doughty's videos on YouTube, I think this one might actually become a life-changing one for me.
Today is day one for me, but it was so powerful that I can't wait to do it again and again. I have such a strong sense of self right now, and such a strong sense of my body. Watch it, and try it, and tell me what you think.
Did you try it? I really hope I keep doing this because it promises to strengthen my sense of self, help me create boundaries between me and others, and bring an end to people-pleasing.
As an empath with a trauma history, I think I need help with everyone of those issues.
I intend to check in from time to time and report on how it's going.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
Last week, I told you I was planning to do a time audit.
I spent several days documenting what I did, how much energy I had, how I felt at the time, whether or not what I did was aligned with what matters most to me, and if not, what I wish I had done, instead. I learned a lot, and will share some of those insights here, with you.
What I learned was that I was spending a lot of time on things that seemed important at the time, but that did not make me happy. And I realized how much of the time being sick derails me.
My goals are to increase the time I spend doing spiritual rituals, pause throughout the day to clear away energy that's not mine, heal what is mine and regulate my nervous system.
I have already added healing at the end of the day. And my challenge is to find ways to add in what makes me happy.
I love all things spiritual and healing, but I am not resting enough.
If anyone else tried a time audit, I would love to hear your results.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
Honey calcite is a powerful gem that helps you to heal the mother wound. It’s known to heal any unresolved emotional issues that exist between you and your mother. It’s a powerful partner in assisting you in releasing stuck energies so you can move forward with greater presence, ease, and forgiveness.
-Dr. Athena Perrakis,
Here are a few ways you might use it...
(1) Hold it in your hand while doing a healing meditation.
(2) Place it nearby or on your journal as you write about your relationship with your mother.
(3) Place it in your pocket before any family visits.
(4) Put it in a wish jar along with slips of paper that have words like peace, forgiveness and healing.
(5) Make an essential oil blend with lavender, and rose, and place the honey calcite in the bottle.
Are there other ways you can think of to use honey calcite for crystal healing?
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
Healers and empaths, are you ready to embark on a transformative quest? Take this new quiz! You may see a path unfold that leads you to the greatest version of yourself, as you continue to offer your gifts and your healing light to the world." 🌟
Take the Self-Care Quiz
Designed for You
You know how you take a quiz, eager to see the results and find out which one of several types you are, but you find that even the questions themselves are helping you understand yourself better? That is what I am hoping will happen for you as you take this quiz.
It's a self-discovery quiz, too, so you may find that some of the questions are a revelation.
After you take it, let me know what you think. Here's the link: Self-Care Quiz.
See you next time!
And now, the blessing - wishing you an everyday experience of boundless self-love, cozy self-care, a gentle rhythm & a slower pace, and the happiness of living as your authentic self.
Love, Jeanine
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