I really struggle with anxiety and PTSD, so my biggest intention for this year is to surrender and trust God that all will be well. My perspective is this - my brain lies to me on a regular basis, in a misguided effort to keep me safe, but I don't have to believe it! What are your hopes and dreams for the year? According to my favorite astrologist, Molly McCord, we have a lot to look forward to this year, as we shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. As I understand it, that means that support from the universe or God will be available to help us become more truly ourselves and deepen any spiritual awakening process we have begun to experience. And there will be new spiritual awakenings! Plus, more opportunities to grow spiritually and step more fully onto the path of our soul's purpose. All of humanity will be guided to do so, but as always we can say yes or say no when those energies urge is forward and onward. What will you say? Wishing you all the best this year! Love, Jeanine
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