Suffering and illness is often the doorway for profound spiritual awakening. I’m sure there are many of you who will resonate with that as the truth of your own journey too. - Cauldrons & Cupcakes
Are you a healer and lightworker who has a chronic illness you can't overcome, no matter how many intentions you set or healing techniques you try? I'd like you to consider the possibility that your illness, or other chronic conditions, like depression or anxiety, are actually part of your purpose, here on earth.
Which Healing Type are You?Dr. Karen Kan, from the Academy of Light Medicine, has identified 5 healing types that help to explain why some of us seem to have a much more difficult time healing ourselves, and overcoming our struggles. Those of us who can't seem to do so, or find it much harder, may have a mission during this lifetime that makes use of our experiences and our eventual healing. Let me describe them so you will understand what I mean. Type One - this type is here to focus on her own healing, and she doesn't find it very challenging to do so. Part of this healer's purpose is to gather experiences on earth and enjoy life. Type Two - this healer type is also focused on her own healing, but she may encounter some challenges the first type does not experience. For example, she may struggle with weight or with high blood pressure, and may need to look for ways in which stress plays a factor in her illnesses. Making behavioral changes may be a struggle for her, and she may spend a great deal of this lifetime overcoming those struggles. Type Three - this type is not just here to overcome her own struggles but to help others heal, too. And as she heals something super challenging, she will make it easier for others to believe they can heal it, too. Dr. Kan says she actually creates an energetic pace that others can tap into, for healing similar issues or illnesses. So for example, when someone is able to overcome an "incurable" illness, a morphic field is created that can be used by others to do the same thing. Now I have to admit that I don't completely understand this part of what she talks about and I hope you will dive into her info yourself, to get a better understanding of it, yourself. What resonates for me is the role model, or inspiration, aspect of it. If I see that someone else has done it, I am more likely to hang in there and keep trying myself. Type Four - Both type four and type five are said to be here to do what the type 3 does, but has additional responsibilities, as well. The type four healer may be here to help heal the universe. Or multiverses. And it is very important for this healer to be in integrity in what she chooses to say or do. Type Five - The type five healer's purpose is here to hold a frequency for humanity, a frequency of peace, of love, and other positive frequencies. And that means that every decision or experience has an impact on the mission, because they all affect your frequency. having relationship difficulties, or someone who gets on your last nerve at work? That would make it much harder to maintain a frequency of peace. But let's say that you have an illness that dogs you. And as a result, you are more compassionate than you were before. That is one way you might find it easier to hold the frequency of compassion, and if that is your mission, then your illness may be serving a purpose you hadn't thought of before. As someone who has both chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety and chronic PTSD, I find this idea comforting. Do you? Here's a video you can listen to in which Dr. Kan explains these 5 types in greater detail. Which type are you? See you next time! Love, Jeanine
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