Next week, there will be a post about creating a slow living lifestyle. I don't know how any healer or lightworker can go through this letting go process, or any of the ascension healing process without adding more time for it. But for now, I just want to suggest that you schedule in time now, so you aren't waiting around for that extra time to show up. Crystals for Letting Go(1) Crystals - smoky quartz and danburite are my two favorite crystals for letting go. But you might also consider obsidian and aquamarine. Smoky Quartz - smoky quartz can help to dispel negative energy in your environment, but also helps you release sadness, negative thinking, painful feelings and memories from the past. It's a grounding stone, too, so it can also help you let go of stress. Danburite - this crystal can help facilitate a spiritual awakening, but also is good at helping you let go of painful feelings and negative energies. I used to hold onto it right before I went to sleep, to help release anything negative that happened that day. Obsidian - here are several important reasons to always have obsidian available... (1) If something or someone is draining your energy, or has done so, it draws that energy into itself. (2) It helps with cutting cords if what you are letting of is a person or relationship. (3) If someone has been abusive to you, this crystal will help you get that person out of your life. Aquamarine - this is a great crystal for shifting your negative thinking into more positive thoughts. But also, if there is something that you have been trying to overcome, and you know it's your feelings that are getting in the way, aquamarine is the crystal to use. Read the article linked in the quote below for more great ideas for crystals that can help you let go. And once you have the crystals in hand, you can hold them while you meditate, keep them near you or in your pocket, or place them on you for healing. Crystals ... can help break ties between you and others by severing the energetic cord that keeps you connected, and lessening the influence others have over your mental and emotional space. If you have undergone trauma, or suffer from anxiety, there are many crystals for release that can help you overcome challenging emotions related to past experiences. Guided Meditation(2) Meditation - begin your meditation time by giving yourself time to relax. Breathe deeply and slowly and be conscious of releasing tension as you do. It may help to stare at the candle flame for a few minutes to help you settle down. And then you can listen to a guided meditation for letting go, or just focusing on your breathing. Try this Meditation: |
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(4) Other Energy Healing Techniques - you may want to try or add other healing techniques like Reiki or sound healing, or others.
Identifying what you intend to let go of and understanding why you need to is like putting those issues in the trash. And energy healing techniques take out the trash - from your cells, from your brain, from your chakras, etc.
A Letting Go Example:
Healing on Aisle Ten
The other night, I was at Walmart with my roommates.
I had finished my own shopping, but hadn't been able to find them, so I went on out to the car, and they weren't there. Came back in & showed the watcher my receipt.
I called them 3x while wandering the aisles and they didn't answer. So I spotted Christmas items at the back of the store and decided to head there while I waited for them.
Well, I started to feel a little nervous and as I wondered why, it hit me. The situation was reminding me of Saturday morning shopping with my parents when I was a child. We'd go to the mall and head into Sears and I would wander all over the mall while they looked at boring appliances.
But they were never at the meeting place when they were supposed to be there. I'd get in line at Chick-fil-A to get a sample of their chicken and that distracted me for a while, but then I'd worry.
I remember one time I thought that if they had left me (on purpose, was my thinking), I would call our next-door neighbors and ask them to come get me.
Eventually, I stopped being scared that they were going to leave me and sad that they didn't want to see me again, as soon as I wanted to see them.
But right there at Walmart, those memories came back. And I felt so much love for that little girl that was me. I wanted to hug her.
I am so grateful I am able to heal those kinds of memories,
In the days since that happened, I have thought about those memories, and others, to consider the story they tell about who I think I am.
I thought about how the fear of abandonment is a thread that runs through my life, from spending the first month of my life in an incubator, to my father promising me I didn't have to go to nursery school and then sneaking off when I wasn't looking, to weekly shopping trips to the mall, and all those times I waited, along with the adult in charge, when one of my parents was hideously late to pick me up.
And that just takes us through elementary school. ;)
But when I step out of the story, as the observer, I know that who I was before the story is still who I am now. But I need to know what the stories are in order to see that clearly.
As a child, there is no context and no perspective. You haven't had enough experience yet for either one.
But as a lightworker, you need to look back at those stories as an observer, or you won't begin to comprehend who you really are. And we need all hands on deck.
We've already been healing our stories, and rewriting the story of who we are. But for me, the difference here is the understanding that I created the meaning for each of those moments.
And that meaning wasn't the truth. That's what we need to let go of now.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
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