You're not who you think you are.
Hi, I'm Jeanine
I help light leaders develop daily spiritual practices that help them uncover the truth of who they are.
The more time you dedicate to connecting to your real self, the more you will uncover the truth of who you came here to be. Most of us mistakenly believe we are the personality we created to survive our childhoods.
But that personality is a role you are playing, not the truth of who you are. After playing that role so long, you're experiencing character bleed and confusing the role with the truth. This limits you, and the matrix we live in has helped to condition you to stay limited so you don't wake up to the truth.
If you're still reading this, then I know you're having an ongoing spiritual awakening and you are committed to help raise the frequency of our planet and its people. You volunteered to be there for people who haven't yet awakened and will need support as they do.
But as you notice the energy shifts & timeline jumps, you may be feeling like you're not quite there, like your experience isn't yet what you expected. And you may wonder what it will take to know you are fully living your purpose.
That's how I was feeling. And then I realized that I didn't know myself the way I thought I did. I continued to focus on healing, but also dedicated time just to be with myself and the space around me.
And this is what I now know: when you uncover truth and connect with your own energy signature, you will align with your purpose in a whole new way and feel much more empowered. But to do that, you'll have to slow down and spend time every day getting to know and experience who you truly are.
Carve Out Time for a Slow Living Lifestyle
Slow living for healers and light leaders means leaving behind the rush-rush, busy-busy lifestyle most of us have been conditioned to create and trading it in for a calmer, more deliberate pace so you can pause for daily self-care, and can carve out contemplative time to connect with your truth more deeply.
Most of us are empaths, so we also need to pause long enough to differentiate between what is ours and what is not, and clear the energy that doesn't belong to us.
If you know that you came here to help humanity evolve, then this shift to a slower, simpler self-care lifestyle is part of your calling. .
Be as gentle with yourself as possible. Keep things simple and curtail all the things that distract you from whatever you do to go within.
Nicky Hamid,