I'm participating in a self-care bundle! Isn't that exciting? Crystal Berg, at Unicorn Mojo Creative, schedules mini bundle giveaways every month on different spiritual, magical, mindful and mystical topics. But this is the first time I have been able to be a part of it. Take a look below to see what the offerings are. Mine are italicized... The Freebies
The Power Up Pack for $22.22
Which ones are you interested in? Here's the link to go check them out: self-care mini bundle. See you next time! Love, Jeanine
Depending on where you are, you may experience this solar eclipse today or tomorrow, so I will be supporting you with a blog post about it each day. And today, I've got the input of two astrologers I respect, telling us how the eclipse will impact us now and into next year. Throughout this telling, I've got ideas for how to move through the challenging parts, but don't miss the rewards, as you read. Are you ready? Buckle your seat belt... The eclipse season accelerates your destiny and the changes it creates become permanent. And they fast-track the process of becoming more of who we are, according to Chloe Cousins. Lots of 3D structures will collapse, and this can be triggering. If that happens, pause and identify what you’re feeling and nurture yourself through the process of letting them go. Next four weeks, you may experience a lot of emotion or more intense feelings than you are used to, but moving through them to transmute them is the way to accelerate your ascension. Normally, the impact of an eclipse or an eclipse season lasts for about six months, but this one will be different. We will still be feeling the effects of this energy through 2024! Paradigm ShiftsThere is lots of possibility for timeline jumping. But you can only really timeline jump and go onto a whole new timeline as long as you are clearing those other aspects. So you can’t really go quantum unless you’re working on clearing emotionally, mentally and physically. - Chloe Cousins We can expect inner child issues and wounds to surface, and that is related to Chiron in Aries. Chiron always brings healing - whether we like it or not. ;) Themes - core sense of self, love, acceptance How to manage these inner child issues… (1) When you get triggered, ask yourself whether it is an inner child wound coming up for air, and if it is, acknowledge it and try to avoid projecting that energy onto others. (2) Write down the feelings in your journal, along with any insights that come to you. (3) Offer them up to be transmuted and healed. Warning - depending on the level of trauma, you may also need to work through these issues with a therapist. But know that it’s all coming up for you so you can heal it and there is lots of energetic support for doing so. Once you have cleared them, your perspective will change. And that’s what will lead you to a whole new sense of who you are. And that will change everything. Because the reality you build, around your unique energetic blueprint, comes from your core identity. So as that begins to shift, your reality will, too. This would be a good time to start journaling, if you haven’t already, and explore the following questions… (1) Are there beliefs I am ready to let go of, because I realize now that they are not my truth? (2) Are there parts of who I thought myself to be that I’m now ready to let go of, because I now know they are not me? As you let these things go, you make room for the “you” that you are becoming. So this is a time to let go of the past, to finish clearing those issues, so you will be ready for the next level of awakening that is coming. You also may need to set boundaries in the present, so you are likely to re-examine your current relationships and experiences and may get some insight about where you haven’t set clear enough boundaries or haven’t been enforcing them. Both Chloe Cousins and Molly McCord talked about the fact that we are here on this planet at this time for a reason, and Molly suggested that we will come to understand that in a deeper way during this eclipse season. In the Molly McCord video, she talks about coming to a new awareness of changes that have occurred already, and a process of recognizing how you have grown, and what has shifted in your sense of self. And possibly, a new clarity about your soul purpose. So it’s possible that moving through some of these issues has already happened but you need to own and claim who you are now, and what you have let go of already. Anytime an eclipse includes Pluto, we are going to experience revolutionary change, both on a personal level and a cosmic one. And for this eclipse we have Pluto in Aquarius at zero degrees, so hold onto your hats. Paradigms will shift. We are moving into our next level of awakening.” - Molly McCord So, there’s no going back. These will be permanent shifts we experience. One way it will happen is that we will come to see what is no longer working in our lives. Some of the energy that comes in will be creative, and we may suddenly think of new ways to solve old problems. Speaking of paradigm shifts, we may have our minds blown by things we will come to understand, that no one told us, about the history of who we are or the history of the planet. The Astrology: |
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