As winter is a time of retreat and hibernation for much of the natural world, wintering is the process by which our bodies and souls seek rest and recuperation when the clouds descend and light fades. - Sheridan Voysey You may find it happening without your permission. Things wear you out that you thought you would have plenty of mental or physical energy for, and it takes longer to recover than you expected. Your natural tendency is to go-go-go, but as the darker months unfold, you find that your get up and go, got up and went. For those of us who are lightworkers, the way we experience the slow down of winter may be even more pronounced. But I believe we will find it easier to deal with if we lean into it instead of fighting it. What if instead of fighting the darkest season of the year we embraced it? - Cydney Weiner Dancing with the DarknessIn America, we have exalted both busyness and exhaustion, and we have been conditioned to do so. That means that setting an intention to rest and retreat, instead, is a revolutionary decision. But it's such an important choice to make. Especially if you are a lightworker and healer. Think of it this way. You naturally emit both light codes and healing frequencies. Some people feel better just by being in your presence. And there may be those who siphon your energy without your permission, or try to do so. If you're an empath, then you also may experience other people's thoughts and feelings as your own without even knowing it. So rest is crucial. But so is retreat, for spiritual renewal. How can you carve out time every day to nurture yourself and lessen the burden of living a human life? Your spirit is limitless, but your energy is not. And I think that as lightworkers, that can be hard to accept. My own intention is to stop trusting that impulse to keep going, when I know I need to stop. And sometimes the best way for me to do that is to schedule in time for the simple pleasures I might normally not get around to in an average day. What about you? Do you have an intention that involves rest and spiritual self-care, or retreat? Wintering is how wisdom is made, and every time we winter, we grow in resilience and compassion, and we deepen our capacity for joy. - Katherine May Creating a Cozy WinterKatherine May, author of Wintering: The Power of Rest & Retreat in Difficult Times, said in an interview that we usually wait until we crash, before surrendering to winter, and that often means getting sick. But we can choose to lean into it, instead, and make it a cozy experience. Wintering is an open invitation to take better care of ourselves. - Katherine May Crystals for a Warm, Cozy WinterIn a comment below, Roy asked about crystals for winter, and what a great question! So I am editing this post to add some tips on which crystals you can use. For warmth and coziness, choose garnet or red jasper. As Nadya mentioned, selenite is another good crystal to use, both for soothing negative feelings and for getting rid of negative energy with its high frequency. To add a little sunshine, try sunstone. It is strong, warm fire energy and may feel like you are holding sunshine. How about you? How are you handling winter this year? Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, when we'll be talking about sleep, specifically. See you then! Love, Jeanine
Before we talk about New Year's resolutions, I have something very important to say: Happy New Year & Welcome to the Winter Edition of the Ultimate Blog Challenge! :) I'm excited to be starting a new challenge, but also a bit apprehensive, because I like to write most of my blog posts ahead of time, and have not managed to do that this time around. If you're new to this 30-day blog challenge, we're (mostly) a bunch of old friends who get together once a season and talk to each other daily, or off and on, for a month. I've missed quite a few, but I started doing this challenge back in 2010. Who am I? I'd love to introduce myself... Hello! I'm Jeanine ByersI'm Jeanine, and my mission these days is to help create the new earth, during the Age of Aquarius. Many of us are alive right now for that reason. But specifically, I'm here to help other healers, lightworkers, etc. to discover and empower their true selves amidst all of the lies they have been programmed to believe. It is one heck of a challenge, let me tell you. I believe it is everyone's challenge, ultimately, but those of us who are lightworkers agreed to awaken first so that we could be there for others. And we need to find and support each other as we awaken spiritually, reinvent ourselves, and resolve the cognitive dissonance that happens as we shift our world views. I'm in the process of creating what will become either a course or a mini membership - I keep going back and forth about which one it will be - and an introductory offering, both of which will be for lightworkers and about using spiritual self-care rituals to uncover the true self. New Year's Resolutions |
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Have you already begun to combine your self-care with enjoying the fall season? Tell me in the comment section.
See you next time!
Love, Jeanine
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