Writing this manifesto took longer than I expected! And I have a sense that this is going to turn out to be a beginning draft, not the final one. But I'd still love your feedback, especially if you're a healer or lightworker. The Healer's Manifesto"You can't pour from an empty cup," they say. But I suspect that as a healer, you've probably been pouring from that cup even when it's almost running dry. It's like you've got an endless supply of compassion, love and light. But if you let that cup stay empty for too long, burnout, exhaustion and other negative experiences are just around the corner. Because of the empty cup phenomenon, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that many of the challenges I’ve faced—chronic illness, anxiety, and depression–are common among healers. As healers, your ability to radiate higher frequencies and carry a healing light draws in the people who need it. But unfortunately, your light also may attract negative or darker energies, maybe even within your own family. It's important to understand that your healing abilities can make you a target for those who can't comprehend or embrace the light you radiate. As a healer, you may have had to manage difficult family relationships, or may have felt like an outsider in your own home. You may even have experienced abuse or bullying or other kinds of violence. That’s why it is so important to tend to and nurture yourself, and make your own healing a priority. When you've been hurt and battered by life, and are still carrying the pain & energy of those experiences, that's when you need self-care and healing the most. And if you are an empath, as many, if not most healers and lightworkers are, self-care is even more important. Every day you are likely to encounter negative energy. And you may often take it in as your own, not realizing that your thoughts and feelings and mood are not your own, but actually belong to others that are somewhere in your orbit. That energy needs to be cleared. But since you may not always be aware of it, you need practices that will heal you each day, even if you are unaware of all that needs to be released. Unfortunately, though, healers often neglect their own needs. Maybe you've been conditioned to believe that you don't deserve self-care or that your own needs should come last? Well, this is a gentle wake-up call and reminder: self-love, self-care and healing are not luxuries - they are necessities. Self-love and self-care are an integral part of your calling. You have the power and the life purpose to heal not only the world but also your own soul. Healing yourself is both a self-care practice and an act of self-love. If you don’t make your own healing a priority, you won’t see your gifts clearly. You won’t discover your own magic. And if you can’t do that, how can you help? We need all hands on deck! Also, if you aren’t clear about who you are, then it will be much harder to recognize when you are carrying someone else’s energy or - even temporarily - living someone else’s story. You are likely to need to clear & release negative energy many times a day. Just giving yourself the time to do clearing work each day is an act of radical self-love. And speaking of radical self-love, healers need lots of rest, because we are emanating healing energy all the time, with or without intention or awareness. But our crazy culture doesn't support rest. It demands pushing yourself to exhaustion. Going against the grain is revolutionary. Rest, too, is part of your calling. Slow life down enough to carve out time for rest. Another reason to slow things down is to hear the messages and guidance that are meant for you. By slowing life down and nurturing yourself with love and self-care, you will become the most powerful version of yourself and your healing gifts will come alive for you in a whole new way. Make a commitment to your own healing, to self-love and self-care and make it an even bigger priority than the healing you give to others. Ready? Let's go, healers! Over to You!What do you think? Did any of the manifesto resonate with you? See you next time! Love, Jeanine
Brenda Marie Fluharty
7/14/2023 02:26:48 am
Well, I totally agree with all you have to say here. I often let my cup go dry because I tend to take care of other first. But, that is changing. I try to do daily healing on myself and I do clearing all the time.
7/14/2023 02:58:35 am
I'm so glad you agree. And I encourage you to keep leaning into self-care because if we can't even manage stress when we're not at our best, how can we do our best as healers? And we definitely need you to be fully operational, with all your gifts. Oh, that's great that I inspired you to write about clearing, because we need a lot more people writing about it, so it can become commonplace to talk and think about.
Very interesting post Jeanine! I can see who some healers may get "burn out" because the aren't taking care of their own healing because the are worrying about the others. It's time to take a deep breath, breathe and make sure you handle your own healing so you can help others even more! Hugs and love.
7/14/2023 01:13:54 pm
Yes, that's it exactly! We care so much about helping others heal, we end up neglecting ourselves. Hugs and love to you, too, dear Martha!
7/14/2023 01:15:27 pm
You know, I think that's absolutely true, but not for the reasons we usually think. "Nobody will," because we probably won't let them.
7/14/2023 01:17:57 pm
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that, Dominique! I have had a time, too, in these past years, with trying to do a better job at both loving and caring for myself. Life is so much easier when you win that battle.
Amrita Basu
7/14/2023 10:43:26 pm
Self care and quality of life is crucial for me daily.I hope you are taking God care ov yourself Jeanine.
7/23/2023 02:30:36 am
Thank you, Amrita! I completely agree with you and I am doing my best.
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