Our life with God is meant to have a rhythm, a cadence. The Slow Living Series This post is part of a slow living series that can help you get cozy with the slow living lifestyle & finally, conquer mornings. Here are the other posts in the series ... The Slow Living Lifestyle and Philosophy How Do You Want Your Mornings to Feel? Tea and Meditation: Tea Ritual Ideas The Slow Morning Solution for Night Owls To download all of the slow living posts in a free printable pdf & bonus getting started checklist, plus extra bonus information about slow living for families, go to The Slow Living Series. Finding Our Own Pace & Cadence In this post, I want to take the slow living lifestyle philosophy and apply it to our life of faith and our relationship with God. I believe that we are meant to learn from Jesus, how to find our own rhythm of living our lives and pausing to rest. How to act and then, rest. How to serve and then, pause. Just like he did. But what sometimes comes up for women as we think about slowing life down and taking time to pause and rest is this fear that we won't do enough (or be enough). We often define ourselves by how busy we are, by everything we are trying to accomplish. As Christian women, we are called away from defining ourselves in any way that is not ultimately about God. And His is the voice that should inform how we spend our time. When we strip away every circumstantial identity — writer, mother, wife — we are left with the only identity that can never be in question: I am a woman of God. When we define ourselves as women and men of God, ...our worth is no longer in question. - Erin Loechner, Chasing Slow We must learn the rhythm that God has wired into us and to begin, we must pause. - Keri Wyatt Kent The most important reason to pause, and to shift into a slow living lifestyle is to make sure that we slow down long enough and regularly enough not to miss God's voice. That still, small voice is most easily heard when our hearts, minds and bodies are quiet. It's much harder to hear those whispers above the noise of our busy lives. In my own life, when I was too busy, I was missing something. And we need God's wisdom too much to take a chance on missing it. I love the way church sermons can sound like they were written for us. But that's not the same as the voice we hear in our own quiet times, speaking softly just to us, telling us exactly what we need right in that moment. But God's voice is available all the time - not just during those moments when we spend time dedicated to Him. In order to hear it, we can't do one thing while thinking about another. We can't live half in and half out of each moment, already mentally headed for the next thing. That be here, now thing is for all of us. And it's imperative, because we have a connection with God to protect. An openness to hearing what we need to hear and to being shown what we might be missing. 3 Ways to Shift into a Slow Living, |
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