One day, I was watching a video, and the guy wanted to demonstrate the power of our minds and of visualization. So he told us to stretch out our arms, and then, reach back with our right arm as far as it could go. By that I mean, move your arm toward what is behind you and reach as far as you can. Then he had us note a point on the wall which would be about where we reached to that time. Next, we did some deep breathing, stretched a little and tried again. Not much change. But then, he had us visualize ourselves reaching back a lot farther than we had been able to go. Then he had us stop, do some deep breathing, and visualize it again. And he told us to imagine how much farther we thought we might be able to reach and to mentally mark that spot on the wall. Finally, he had us try again to reach back as far as we could go and note the differences between where we'd started, where we thought the new place would be and where it actually was. For me, there was at least a four foot difference between the spot I thought I would hit and how far back I actually was able to reach! Amazing, right? Well, in Wednesday's post, I encouraged you to imagine what would shift if you were able to let go of fear and trust. I wonder if the actual shifts would surpass what you imagined in a similar way. Read on to see how to support the changes you imagined. Visualize the ShiftFor each area, if you got an answer to what would be different, imagine everything that would mean. Try to see it all come to life in your mind. If you can visualize it, your subconscious will believe it is actually happening. Use Affirmations that Remind You of the ShiftWhat if that change is just around the corner? You might just need a little encouragement or support to believe it's possible. Or to get started on it. And affirmations can help! What can you tell yourself about the changes that are most important to you, that might make them seem more believable, or realistic? Journal about itWrite in your journal about the shifts you want to make, and why. You could even write them as stories that have already happened in your life. What You Can Do TodayFor each change you imagined, in each of those areas, try to take it step further. Go back to the vision you had or knowing you had about what would change and ask yourself, "and then what would happen?" Next, try to tell it to yourself as a story. Journaling would be a great idea, but you also could say it out loud, or think it through, instead. Start with something like, "what happened first was..." and continue with, "and then, over time, ..." and see where that takes you, story-wise. Finally, think of keywords that will instantly remind you of the imagined shift. It could be as small as one word that will have meaning to you, or could be a full affirmation sentence. For example, if someone is having trouble with a disappointment and seems to be stuck in those feelings, you might pair his or her name with "happy again." Pick one idea that you're going to try and share it in the comments. See you next time! Love, Jeanine
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