I was listening to an interview a week or so ago, with a woman named Judy Cali, and she said that no matter what the problem is, self-love is the answer. I love that idea, and am still noodling on it. And I do know that self-love can empower and support the spiritual awakening process. But how do you know when you're there? Let's look at these self-love affirmations to give you some indication. 27 Self-Love AffirmationsTo use this list of affirmations as a quiz, count the number of affirmations you can say yes to, because you feel that way, too... I love being me. I appreciate myself and my abilities. I treat myself with compassion. I speak kindly to myself. I validate my emotions and advocate for my needs. I forgive past errors and let go of judgments. I focus on harmony and healing. I pursue challenges that help me to learn and grow. I set goals that excite and inspire me. I devote my time and energy to meaningful activities. I protect my mental and physical well-being. I set reasonable boundaries. I practice self-care. I take time for myself each day. I adopt healthy habits, like eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. I am comfortable with my body. I give myself compliments. I wear clothes that fit me and make me feel attractive. I am thankful for my mobility and strength. I surround myself with family and friends who care about me. I have mutually supportive relationships. I give generously and I ask for help when I need it. I set intentions. My life has purpose and direction. I have fun. I spend time each day doing things that I enjoy. I spend time with my family and try new restaurants with my friends. I make art and work on my hobbies. I laugh and play. Today, I make myself a priority. I remember that I deserve love and affection. I am beautiful inside and out. I feel happy and hopeful. I have the courage to be authentic. Self-Love Reflection QuestionsWhat is one experience that changed the way I look at myself? How does loving myself help me to love others? What are 3 words that I would use to describe myself? How did you do? Do you need more self-love? See you next time! Love, Jeanine
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