If someone is an energy vampire, they will unconsciously attach an etheric cord to you and use it to drain your energy. They are usually attached to the solar plexus or lower back to drain your soul energy. - Brenda Fluharty, Writing through the Soul This week, I have mentioned several times that empath healers often take in the thoughts and feelings of others without realizing it, and mistakenly identify them as their own. And since a belief is a thought that you keep thinking long enough to trust it, imagine developing a belief that originated with someone else's thought. With repeated exposure, combined with the mistaken perception that the thought is your own, that thought becomes a belief. With enough beliefs & feelings that aren't really your own, you will eventually be living a life, or a story, that is not really yours. And I would say that as an empath, you do that every day, at one point or another. But living a life that's not true every day is another thing altogether. Might you be doing that? In Brenda's post, she talks about having a cord attaching you to someone else. In that situation, you're not having repeated exposure, you're having constant exposure, with no time off for good behavior. ;) And if that constant connection is to an energy vampire, think of the physical impact that kind of energy drain could have over time. Energy vampires are people who drain your emotional energy... Feeling emotionally drained after talking with a friend, colleague or family member? After spending time with them, do you always leave feeling anxious or irritable? You may be dealing with an energy vampire. - PsychCentral.com Go read Brenda's post so you'll know what energetic cords are & how to get rid of them. But first, we're going to look at other ways to clear the thoughts and feelings you may be taking in every day, without realizing it. Being the healers and the feelers of the world we often pick up energy, feelings and sensations that don't belong to us. Not only that but being biologically and spiritually sensitive- it's easy to get overstimulated, overwhelmed and even drained. The Sway Test: How to Know if it's Yours or NotBefore I tell you how to clear those unwanted thoughts & feelings, let me show you how to figure out which ones are yours and which ones are not. I use muscle testing. About 20-25 years ago, I learned a simple technique called the Sway test. Have you heard of it, or tried it? At the time that I learned it, I just wanted to test which food to buy at the store, LOL. Now I use it all day long for what I thinK of as an empath test. HOW TO DO IT What you do is stand still and ask a yes/no question. Your body will sway backward or forward to answer it. To determine which way is yes for you, try an experiment. Stand up and say, "my name is ..." If I say Jeanine, my body goes forward. If I say Hortense, it goes the other way. But your mileage may vary, so try it for yourself. I'll wait right here. ... Okay, now that you've found your yes, I'll tell you how to use it with thoughts & feelings. This is what I do. Is what I am thinking (or feeling) 100% mine? (no) Is it more than 50%? (no) More than 25%? (no) More than 10? (yes) More than 15%? (no) 11%? (no) 12%? (yes) And once I find the correct percentage, I stop asking. If what I was experiencing was only 12% mine, I would use a healing or clearing technique to release the other 88%. Try it. Ask if whatever you are experiencing right this moment is 100% yours. If not, you can use one of the following clearing techniques to get rid of what does not belong to you. 10 Empath Clearing TechniquesIf you are taking in the thoughts and feelings of others every day, and thinking they are your own, how can you know who you really are? Understanding who you truly are begins with clearing away external influences and staying grounded in your own truth. So let's take a look at ten powerful empath clearing techniques that you can use every day to realign yourself with the truth of who you are. (1) Setting Energetic Boundaries Empath healers have to create boundaries of all kinds to protect their energy, but energetic ones are particularly important. Visualize a protective bubble of light surrounding you, acting as a shield against external energies. State your intention that only energies aligned with your highest good are allowed to enter your space. (2) Visualization for Letting Go Use the power of visualization to release energies that no longer serve you. Picture a gentle waterfall or a beam of cleansing light washing away any negative thoughts or emotional residue you have absorbed. Imagine yourself being restored to inner harmony. (3) Try Salt Baths Taking regular salt baths can be incredibly cleansing for empaths. Dissolve a cup of Epsom salt or sea salt in warm bathwater and immerse yourself in its soothing embrace. As you soak, visualize the salt drawing out and neutralizing any unwanted thoughts or feelings. (4) Connect with Nature Connect with the grounding energy of nature to clear and restore your own energy field. Spend time outdoors, whether it's walking barefoot on the earth, leaning against a tree, or sitting by a flowing river. Allow nature's healing to wash over you, gently releasing negative energy. (5) Sound Healing Explore the power of sound to clear your energy. Use tools such as singing bowls, tuning forks, or chimes to create frequencies that can help you heal. Focus on the sound, allowing it to penetrate and clear negative energy within you. (6) Smudging Burn sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs, and let the fragrant smoke envelop you. As the smoke wafts around you, visualize it dissolving anything you might have picked up that's not your own, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. But if smoke bothers you, like it does me, you can use the essential oil versions and create a spray you can use, instead. (7) Journaling Give your thoughts & feelings a voice as you journal each day. Pour out your experiences, both your own and those you may have absorbed from others. Putting your thoughts on paper will help you get some clarity about what's yours and what's not and will help you let go of what doesn't belong, allowing the truth of your own voice to emerge. (8) Breathwork Use the power of your breath to cleanse and center yourself. Practice slow, deep, intentional breathing, imagining each inhale as purifying energy and each exhale as the release of anything that no longer serves you. With each breath, feel yourself becoming lighter and more aligned with your true self. (9) Crystal Healing Crystals can be used to support your clearing process. Choose crystals like black tourmaline, selenite, or clear quartz, known for their ability to absorb and transmute negative energies. Hold them or place these crystals on your body, visualizing them drawing out and releasing any energetic imbalances. (10) Energy Healing Modalities Try energy healing modalities like Reiki, or other energy-based therapies. These practices can help clear blockages within your energy field, and heal whatever needs it. You also can try the meditation below, and use it each day to stay clear... Clearing & Grounding MeditationClose your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing the outside world to fade away. Inhale deeply, drawing in love and peace. With each exhale, release any thoughts or emotions that don't belong to you. Visualize them dissipating into the universe, leaving you free and unburdened. Now, envision roots extending from the soles of your feet, reaching deep into the earth. These roots symbolize your connection to the grounding energy of the earth, providing stability and strength. Feel the gentle rise of earth's nurturing energy as it flows through your roots and into your entire being. As you breathe, imagine a radiant light descending upon you from above. This golden light represents your truest, most authentic self. With each breath, allow this light to infuse every cell of your being, deepening your connection to your soul. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly, and ask your soul for any guidance you need for today. When you feel complete with this meditation, you may open your eyes. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Healing the PastThe more you heal issues that trigger you, the less likely you’ll be to absorb emotions from others. Healing our own past wounds is an essential step on the path to living our purpose. By addressing and resolving the issues that trigger us, we can create inner harmony and reduce the likelihood of absorbing emotions from others. Here are some empowering techniques you can use during the healing process. (1) Identify the Triggers The first step is to identify what's triggering you. Notice when a thought or feeling you experience reminds you of something from your past. Allow yourself to explore the memories, experiences, and patterns that may be influencing you in the present. Journaling is a good way to do that. But you may find they just naturally pop up as you are going about your day, especially if you are pausing to check in with yourself. (2) Letting Go of the Feelings Once you have identified your triggers, it's important to release the beliefs and feelings attached to them. Allow yourself to feel and express the emotions that arise, honoring their presence while also letting go of their hold on you. (3) Forgiveness One of the most profound acts of healing is practicing forgiveness, both towards others and yourself. Forgiveness does not excuse anyone's actions, but it can free you from the feelings you have been carrying and allow you to move forward with self-love and compassion. It's a beautiful act of self-care; you do it for yourself, not for the other person. (4) Seeking Support Healing the past can be a powerful experience, but also a challenging journey. Consider whether or not it would help to seek support from a therapist, an energy healer, or support group specializing in trauma and emotional healing. They can provide guidance, tools, and a safe space for you during your healing process. (5) Energy Healing Modalities Explore the energy healing modalities mentioned above (Reiki, etc) to support you in healing the past. These modalities can help release energetic blockages, promote emotional balance, and facilitate profound shifts in your healing process. When you have Reiki light all around you, any dark or less than light energy that comes toward you will enter the field of light. the energy will choose to transform into the light, or it will turn and go the other way. A dark energy cannot withstand the light of Reiki. - Michael Baird, Reiki Master & Teacher Reiki Healing TechniquesReiki healing is a gentle way empath healers can protect themselves from negative or dark energy. You can use it to fill and surround yourself with light, to strengthen the power of that light and to strengthen your own energy. Whenever you are confronted with a problem or issue, the best solution is to look up ever more intently into the Reiki light. Allow it to permeate your entire being and radiate out through you to the whole world. By doing this, all your blocks, your doubts and worries and your limiting thoughts and feelings will be broken up and blown away. . Which are the suggested tools & techniques that appeal most to you? Are there some that you have experience with already?
Wishing you an everyday experience of boundless self-love, cozy self-care, a gentle rhythm & a slower pace, and the happiness of living as your authentic self. Have a wonderful weekend! Love, Jeanine
7/15/2023 01:45:18 am
Apparently, very little of what I think, feel, and experience is truly mine. I have absorbed so much energy and emotion from other people that I scarcely know who I am anymore. I am going to try some of those exercises so I can reclaim me for me. Thank you. This was really helpful.
7/15/2023 02:24:12 am
Alice, I am tearful after reading that because I'm so glad this post was helpful!! I can relate so much to what you're saying - I get low percentages all the time. Here's something exciting - if you keep doing it, you will know yourself better, and eventually, you get to the point where you get a lot better at recognizing the not-you thoughts & feelings.
Brenda Marie Fluharty
7/15/2023 02:02:31 am
Thank-you so much for the shot out. I love all the wonderful techniques for clearing out the negitive energies. Sadly, the truth is most of the negative energy surround many people isn't their own. That is why is it so important to protect and clear your energy field often.
7/15/2023 02:26:15 am
You're welcome! And you're right, it is so important. I really want to get the word out about it.
7/15/2023 08:28:30 pm
Yes, you are right. There are so many different ways you can do it. That's a great comparison - yes, i think it is like using a pendulum, only you are the pendulum.
7/15/2023 08:30:14 pm
Thanks, Martha! Oh, neat. I hope you find it helpful.
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