Is Negativity Holding Back Your Abundance?
Most of us can relate to having a bad day, but when we have a tendency to view things in a negative light, a bad day can morph to a bad life experience. A study on dispositional negativity conducted by the University of California’s Department of Psychology has found that having a negative disposition has “profound consequences for health, wealth, and happiness.”
In fact, dispositional negativity has been found to increase stressor reactivity; meaning it is more difficult for people with a negative disposition to handle the effects of stress in their daily lives. For a person with a negative disposition, it can feel impossible to cope with stress and can result in pessimism and irritability.
If you suspect that you are too negative, odds are it’s true. It’s common for humans to value negative information over positive information, and at one time it surely served as a survival skill. Now, however, it impedes us and prevents us from appreciating the little things in life and creating the abundance we want.
To begin overcoming your negativity disposition, it helps to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the art of staying very self-aware. Stop yourself when you notice that you are being too negative.
Interrupt those negative thoughts with more positive thoughts & stop the negative thoughts in their tracks.
Using mindfulness techniques and interrupting negative thoughts with positive thoughts is a good way to help you to re-shape your neural pathways so that instead of having a habit of negativity, you can form a habit of positivity instead.
Doing so will open the door to the abundance you want most and make your life experience lighter and sweeter.